
Created by a Registered Nurse in 2014, HealingOilsRN LLC has quickly become one of the world's largest retailers for creating blends for health conditions made entirely from essential oils. We invite you to come and see the difference using all natural remedies can create for your physical and emotional well-being.

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Luxury Anti-aging facial oil

Luxury Anti-aging Serum

Molluscum Contagiosum Review:

Jami on Jul 21, 2020

5 out of 5 stars    

I applied this one to twice daily on area and cleared up within a week

Shop molluscum blend

Plantar Fasciitis Review:

Alan May 23, 2020

5 out of 5 stars    

"Remarkable results over 7-8
weeks with 1st order- Pain level had diminished from level 8 to level 1- from very painful to barely noticeable- applied oil twice daily- used 10 minute massage while applying evening regimen."

shop plantar fasciitis blend

Liquid X Review:

SooInStyle Jun 24, 2020

5 out of 5 stars    

"My 9 yr. old has recently had horrible anxiety with all this going on in the world right now, it was to the point were he was hyperventilating. I reached out to Jaci and she recommend this liquid X anti anxiety oil. Hes been using it for almost 1 wk. and i am soo happy he feels much better. He came to me today and said "mom I feel normal again" brought me to tears. THANK YOU SO MUCH for your help & would highly recommend it to anyone with anxiety problems."

Shop liquid x

Why choose HealingOilsRN?

HealingOilsRN LLC is unique in that its owned and operated by a licensed healthcare provider. It is the combination of medical and aromatherapy knowledge  that makes these blends so effective. 


"Love this headache roller. Works so well. Always relieves my headaches minutes after applying." (Reviewing Headache Blend)


Alright yall. This stuff right here healed a weird rash that I have had on my foot for LITERALLY 4 years. I am not joking. The doctor gave me a steroid cream that made it worse so I tried this (even though the doc said "NO ESSENTIAL OILS THEY WILL MAKE IT WORSE". Joke is on them because this stuff flipping healed my foot." (Reviewing Anti-fungal)


"I’ve tried every eye cream, gel, and oil Sephora has to offer, but none beat this natural oil." (Reviewing Dark Circle Blend)
